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Testing and Validation

This document provides a comprehensive guide on how to run and manage the tests for the liquid templates in this project.


The test suite is designed to validate the functionality of the liquid templates. It does this by comparing the output of a template for a given input, with an expected output. If an expected output file does not exist, the test will create it. If it does exist, the test will compare the converted version with the expected output. When a template is modified, the author should commit the relevant outputs, which will then be presented in the PR for review.

Directory Structure

The directory structure for the tests is designed to mirror the structure of the templates directory. It is as follows:

  • templates/Organisations/<organisation-code>/<source-domain>/<data-type>/<resource type>/: This directory contains the liquid templates that are being tested.
  • tests/Templates.Tests/input/Organisations/<organisation-code>/<source-domain>/<data-type>/<resource type>/: This directory contains the sample input files for the tests. The file name should be a combination of the resource type and the number of the example. For example, x26/pds-mesh/json/patient/Patient-01.json.
  • tests/Templates.Tests/output/Organisations/<organisation-code>/<source-domain>/<data-type>/<resource type>/: This directory will contain the output of the tests.

Test flow

The Template.Tests project includes a test that retrieves a list of all input files and creates a test case for each one. Each test case is using the Integration version of the API and uses its DataHubFhirClient to call the $convert-data endpoint of the FHIR service. Following this, a template validation is performed against the $validate endpoint. Only after these steps are completed is the result of $convert-data compared with the expected output.

Running the Tests


Set Environment Variables

Before running the tests, make sure that you have a .env file similar to the .env.template file in the /docker directory. you must fill the following variables:

  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET : the secret of the service principal that has access to the Azure ACR repository.
  • TAG: the tag of the Azure Container Registry image that the templates will be pushed to.

for example:

# Templates tag to be pushed to ACR

For further details about Docker environment files see this link.

Initialise Environment

Before running the tests, be sure to build and run the required docker containers using the following command:

docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up templates-pusher data-init -d --build --force-recreate

NOTE: the -d (detached) flag is used to run the services in the background, if you want to see the logs of the services in the terminal, you can remove the -d flag.

the docker compose file will start a local fhir server with its required sql db, and the templates-pusher service that will push the templates to the azure container registry, and the data-init service that will initialize the fhir server with the required data and profiles.

The templates-pusher container is expected to run and then exit. To confirm if the templates were pushed, view the templates-pusher container logs. You can also verify that the specified tag exists in Azure ACR repository for dev, by checking the status in the Azure portal:

  1. Open the Azure portal
  2. Navigate to the ACR
  3. Open the Repositories screen
  4. Open the dev repository
  5. Check your tag exists and that Last Modified date is as expected

If there are any issues, such as "az login" needed, or an "invalid client secret is provided", run docker-compose build --no-cache followed by docker-compose up --force-recreate templates-pusher -d.

Run the Tests

Once the docker containers are running and healthy, you can run the tests using your IDE's test runner.

Your IDE's test runner should discover the tests in test runtime since the test cases are dynamically built based on the input folder.

Alternatively, you can run the tests using the command line interface (CLI), which is also the method used in our Continuous Integration (CI) process:

dotnet test tests/Templates.Tests/Templates.Tests.csproj -e

NOTE: The -e flag is used to pass environment variables to the test runner. The DataHubFhirServer:TemplateImage variable is used to override the image tag that the tests will use to run the templates. The MYTAG should be replaced with the tag of the image that the templates were pushed to in the previous step.

Debug a Single Test

Since the test inputs are dynamically built based on the input directory, all tests will have to run. However, you can debug a single test input by applying a conditional breakpoint in the test code. For example, you could use relativePath.Contains("A03-01") to isolate a specific test input.


The tests assume that the Docker services are running and that the templates-pusher and data-init have been started manually. It also assumes that the .env file has been created and filled with the required variables, as described in the "Pre-requisites" section.