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Certificate Preparation

The Healthcare Data Exchange uses signed JWT authentication to access some application-restricted RESTful APIs. Notably the Personal Demographics Service.

NHS Digital provide extensive documentation explaining how this integration works.

An important step in this process is generating and signing a JWT. This happens at runtime. The JWT is then used to authenticate with the PDS.

In the JwtHandler we generate an instance of SigningCredentials using a X509Certificate2 object. This certificate is stored in Azure Key Vault and loaded into the application container at runtime. Details of this process can be found at the ssl certificate configuration guide.

Convert certificate to PKCS12 x509 certificate

Before importing the certificate into Azure Key Vault, it must be converted to a PKCS12 x509 certificate.

The NHS Digital guide produces a self-signed certificate and a private key in X.509 PEM format. These components can be temporarily stored in .pem files and used to create a PKCS12 x509 certificate.

The following commands can be used to convert the certificate and private key to a PKCS12 x509 certificate:

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -out x509certificate.pem -signkey privatekey.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -in x509certificate.pem -inkey privatekey.pem

This command will prompt for a password to secure the PKCS12 x509 certificate. This password will be required when importing the certificate into Azure Key Vault.